iLumen Endovue SE
The 21” iLumen Endovue SE delivers the image performance of a high-end surgical display at a fraction of the cost. Targeted for cost-sensitive emerging markets this monitor is a great value. It features an LED backlight and supports both digital and analog high-definition video inputs. T
IN-Stoppers, easy and convenient in handling, close needle-free injection sites and offer a needle access via a latex-free membrane. Can also be used as closing cones for female accesses
Intrafix® Primeline
Your daily routine is imbued with hectic and high work stress in a very sensible professional field. You face ever increasing pressure and growing demands. New guidelines shall be employed without disrupting the work process, and offer even more safety for the patients.
Introcan® Safety
Introcan Safety® Family of Peripheral IV Catheters. B. Braun Medical, Inc. is a global leader in intravenous therapy-related products and services. ...
Isolette® 8000
Dräger sets the standard for thermoregulation with a host of performance features designed to provide a stable, cocoon-like environment for the baby.
Isolette® C2000 with Cabinet Stand
Combines the essential microclimate neonates need to thrive with the ergonomics, accessibility and mobility required in today's NICU environments.